ASSET (Action to Strengthen Small European Towns)
Recent information on ASSET, and an archive of previous pages that were previously on this ECOVAST website may be found at the DorfWiki site operated by Franz Nahrada, of ECOVAST AUSTRIA
The paper can be viewed here: Towns and Cities
A Position Paper by the European Council for the Village and Small Town (ECOVAST) October 2013.
The Purpose of this Paper is to raise the profile of small towns across Europe as opposed to large urban towns and to try to influence future thinking and policy development in the Council of Europe and the European Union, particularly the Director General for the Regions and Urban Policy and the Director General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.
All the national sections of ECOVAST are encouraged to use the documents to promote small towns in their own countries.
The paper can be downloaded from:
Valerie Carter, President of ECOVAST International has for many years been a member of the Association of the European Rural Universities.
A presentation on behalf of ECOVAST entitled RURAL TERRITORIES, INNOVATION SPACES AND FUTURE FOR EUROPE - THE ROLE THAT SMALL TOWNS CAN PLAY was given at the 11th European Rural University, held between the 7-9 November, 2013, in érigueux, Dordogne (France).
A Powerpoint may be downloaded here ECOVAST Presentation in Dordogne November 2013 THE ROLE SM
On 16 November 2010 ECOVAST and ASSET organized a seminar in Potsdam, Germany on the topic of European Small Towns.
POTSDAM SEMINAR: 16 November 2010
Held at the University of Applied Sciences: Fachhochschule, Potsdam
The day’s event was held under the auspices of the ECOVAST Project ‘Action to Strengthen Small European Towns (ASSET). The event had been organised by Angus Fowler of the German ECOVAST Section and Phil Turner of the UK ECOVAST Section.
The 3 purposes of the seminar:
There were poster displays on various reports by ECOVAST Sections from Austria, Germany and the United Kingdom, and others.
The morning session was a series of presentations on research that has been carried out by ECOVAST and others.
1. Phil Turner introduced the conference and the aims and objectives of the ASSET project and gave an overview of the progress of the work on small European towns in Germany, Croatia and the United Kingdom. He referred to the real policy gap in European policy concerning small towns as the current emphasis is on urban areas and rural area, peripheral areas, mountains and islands.